Friday, July 27, 2018

Fun With The NRA

In my attempt to retain a sense of humor in the face of completely humorless pricks bent on destroying democracy, I've been playing a little game called Fun With Trump Supporters. That has led to a slight variation, targeting the NRA, that fun-loving terrorist organization. (And, yes, the NRA is a terrorist organization. It spreads terror, then offers what it hopes you'll see as the only solution - purchasing a lot of guns.) This is a game that you too can play. Just go to the NRA's Twitter and Facebook pages, and start responding to their insane posts. They love it when you remind them of their sinister connection to Russia. Enjoy!

NRA: "In Los Angeles? Join us tomorrow night as we table by the @AMarch4OurLives bus tour to debate attendees on their take on gun control/gun laws and register people for the @NRA (at MAJORLY discounted rates!!!) You don’t want to miss out" 
My response: "Will you be selling President Putin buttons and bumper stickers?"

NRA: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. The #NRA and all law-abiding gun owners will fight to make sure this is never a reality."
My response: "Exactly! We need to make sure that Russians can keep getting guns as easily as high school children can. That's the Amerikkkan way. Keep up the good work, comrades!" 
Red Wave Surfer (@Morgan2268): "We will. Eat a D."
My response: "'Eat a D'? Is that some kind of Sesame Street reference? Like, today's program was brought to you by the letters F and U and by the number 2?"

NRA: "Anti-gun lawmakers are at it again – this time in #Seattle. #NRA FILED A LAWSUIT TODAY against the city for passing one-size-fits all anti-gun legislation that violates state law."
My response: "That's crazy! Obviously, people in Seattle need guns. How else are they going to fight off the rain?" 

NRA: "Moms Demand Action reportedly told candidate Tedra Cobb not to talk about support for gun ban. Given this history of deceit from @MomsDemand and other anti-gun groups, gun rights advocates must remain skeptical of politicians’ mere statements on this issue and supportive of those with a proven track record of defending our #2A freedoms." 
My response: "I agree! Moms are shifty, unreliable, highly questionable creatures, and sometimes Moms won't let you play with guns, and that's just not fair. Come on, Mom, let me play with a gun. I want to be a big boy like the Russians! Right, comrades?" 

NRA: "'A civilian who carries a gun is more of a solution than a threat, and serves as a force multiplier for the security forces... A law-abiding citizen with the basic necessary skills should be allowed to protect himself and his surroundings.' –Amir Ohana"
My response: "I agree! There is no better solution to the gun problem than getting more guns. I am going to buy some guns tomorrow, and then you'd better all look out. Because I am going to offer solution after solution after solution. Right, comrades?" 

NRA: "It's all about the angles! Here are behind the scenes photos of @BillyNRA photographing a @GLOCKInc 17 Gen 4 with a @SilencerCo Osprey 45K. Stay tuned for more!"
My response: "Wow, you are right. From certain angles, guns are even more beautiful. Like a nice hard black cock, which all NRA members would love to get their hands on. Isn't that right, comrades?"

NRA: "#BREAKING: Another huge #win for gun owners: A federal court ruled today that the #2A right extends outside the home! More to come!"
My response: "Great news! I'm so tired of only being able to shoot people in my home. It was getting difficult to find people who'd be willing to come over anymore. Now I can start shooting wherever I go! Keep winning, Russia!" 

NRA: "Gun rights are human rights."
My response: "That's right! Because guns are living, breathing organisms with fears and hopes just like humans. Don't deny a gun's right to marry the person of its choice. Don't deny a gun's right to express itself, to celebrate its individuality." 

NRA: "#NRA Fights Ballot Petitions #Washington: 'It’s telling that the gun control lobby and their billionaire backers will break the rules and resort to dirty tricks in order to get their latest gun control scheme on the ballot.'"
My response: "Yeah, those people are horrible, with their evil schemes to limit the number of guns and protect people. I hate the way they want to save lives and make schools safe. Who do they think they are? The Second Amendment protects our right to keep America dangerous!" 

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