Tuesday, July 10, 2018

More Fun With Trump Supporters (A Game To Help Us Remain Sane)

I am trying to keep my sense of humor in dealing with the assholes and imbeciles who support Donald Trump. It's difficult at times, of course. And sometimes it is depressing. But some days it seems to be working. And it is more satisfying to poke fun at these cretins than to just tell them to go fuck themselves (even though they should all just go fuck themselves).

Laura Joann: "I just wanted to share this incredible news with all of you. There is a new movement that is exploding right now called #WalkAway. Democrats are leaving the Democratic Party in droves and we the people are banding together to take back our country. Many of us on the right are choosing to walk with these incredible people. I encourage you to go to the walk away campaign or the unsilent minority pages on Facebook and you like me will read story after story of people who have finally seen through the media's lies. I don't think I have ever been so excited for America in my life. We the people are what makes America so wonderful. And we are coming together and it is beautiful. #WalkAway #whatbluewave #Trump2020Landslide"
My comment: "Laura Joann, that is exciting! There is another movement among Republicans that is gaining momentum. It is called Water Breathers, and what these people are doing is diving under the water (in oceans, lakes, and so on) and then inhaling deeply. I encourage all Republicans and independent Trump supporters to join this growing movement today."

Sheya Landa: "President trump keep up the amazing work the lowlife liberals are going crazy they can’t handle seeing the amazing job ur doing. Crooked Hillary and Crazy chuck start accepting the fact that ur party is losing and we the republicans are winning and are going to crush u guys when the midterms elections take place!! MAGA!!!"
My comment: "Hurrah for Donald Trump! Everyone loves him. The KKK, the rapists, the gun-lovers, the inbred imbeciles, the criminally insane all agree that he is the best president ever! How could they all be wrong? Impossible! Keep up the great work, Donald."

Victor Brown: "President Trump is WINNING AGAIN. AMERICANS WIN!!! Go TRUMP!!"
My comment: "Victor Brown, well said! In fact, I don't believe anything I read unless it is in all capital letters. That's the only way we can know that someone is being sincere. Right? Trump is making America great again for the KKK, and for rapists, and for gun-loving, inbred fascists. Keep winning!"
(Note: There were also six United States flags in Victor's post. Wow.)

Stacy Belaire: "Cynthia Gilliland well when your party is pro-murder for babies....ya...there will never be common ground..conservatives are anti- baby murdering..no common ground will be found"
My comment: "Stacy Belaire, you are right! Babies should never be allowed to get away with murder. Why do those baby-lovers on the far left think that babies should be able to do whatever they want? That's un-American. We should kill all the babies now before they can arm themselves and attack us en masse. Who will be safe from these murdering babies?"

Jack Marino: "Liberals democrats freaks are going to lose this fight. The SCOTUS isn’t a private legislative body for you damn socialist that can’t get shit passed in congress. The court is their to interpret law as the constitution states. Trump will have put in four constitutionalist on the bench that will be the end of this leftist dictatorship"
My comment: "Quit eating your own feces, Jack. It's really messing with your brain."
Jack Marino: " I learned it from many years as a demoRAT commie but I escaped the commie paradise freak show. You should get out while you can or are you still eating your own feces still"
My response: "Jack, seriously, you can hardly put a sentence together. You need help. Your syphilis seems to be in the final stage."
Jack Marino: "Another leftist grammar nazi"
My response: "Friends, it is probably time to say goodbye to Jack Marino. He's not long for this world. Remember him the way he was, before the disease meddled with his brain, before his conscience started to rot. Goodbye, Jack Marino."     

And here is something showing once again how bloody stupid Trump supporters are...

On Twitter, FOX News posted this: "Tony Perkins: 'This president has kept his political promises, more so than any president that I've seen in my lifetime.'"
So I replied, "Where are his fucking tax returns, you lying shits?"
Someone calling himself Dormdude @Dormdudez replied to my comment: "They got releases a long time ago and he paid a lot more than he was suppose to. Stop watching cnn. This is old fake new. Get your shit together."
My first reply: "If that is the case - and I seriously doubt it - send me the link to his returns."
My second reply: "I am waiting for that link. Also, I assume you meant to type 'released' and not 'releases.'"
My third reply: "Also, you typed 'old fake new,' which is kind of funny. But I assume you meant to type 'news.'"
My fourth reply: "Perhaps it is you who needs to get his shit together, eh?"
My fifth reply: "While waiting for you to reply, Dormdude, I looked it up. And no, he did not release his tax returns. You are misinformed, or just lying. Get your shit together, moron."

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