Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Still More Fun With Trump Supporters (A Game To Keep Us Sane)

Word has leaked that scientists are hard at work on a new bug spray that will eliminate Republicans. Citizens have reported infestations of these unwanted pests all over the country, and are eager to be free of them. I too am looking forward to a world without Republicans. I'd love for them all to share the scaffold with Donald Trump. But for now we must rely on Fun With Trump Supporters, the game to keep us sane, in which we amuse ourselves by poking a bit of fun at the world's worst and stupidest people. Enjoy!

Cheryl Skipper: "Thank you, Mr. President, for saying what you mean and meaning what you say!!! Thanks for putting ALL Americans 1st! You are a true leader!"
My response: "Cheryl, I agree! Donald Trump means everything he says. I appreciate that he hasn't had any time to play golf. And I also appreciate that he has released his full tax returns. He makes promises, and then he keeps them. Donald Trump never lies at all. Even his statements that contradict his earlier statements aren't lies, because Donald Trump is a magical being who has control over Truth. Truth bends to Donald Trump's magnificent powers. We should all worship Donald Trump and just forget our own truths. What need we for truth when we have Donald Trump? Like you said, he is a true leader."

Jennifer Lafave-heiss: "Thank you Mr. President !! We love you and all that your doing!!!! MAGA!!!"
My response: "It is easy to spot a Trump supporter. Trump supporters love exclamation points. They love them. They can't get enough of them. Yet, they seem to have no access to other punctuation, such as commas. Also, Trump supporters are completely unable to distinguish between 'your' and 'you're.' They do not see a difference."

Debra Imperial Kelter: "It is utterly ridiculous to think they could 'sway' millions. Like we don't have brains of our own ..... That is something Hillary said about the women who voted for President Trump, isn't it? Our husbands 'told' us to vote for him, because we can't think for ourselves."
My response: "Debra, I agree! You don't have brains of your own. It's not your fault that you voted against your own interests. You were under another person's control. Because obviously no woman would vote for a man who screwed his own daughter and bragged about assaulting women. That would be insane." 

Kim Edward White: "What a total embarrassment when an American 'journalist' asks a foreign leader if he has dirt on our President! I’m ashamed for this country for Chris Wallace’s insane questioning. What a disgrace!"
My response: "We all have dirt on Donald Trump. If you know anything about him, anything at all, then you have dirt on him. There is no other kind of information regarding this mendacious, incestuous cretin."

Denis Buckley: "It's absolutely disgraceful Donald Trump is attacked basically every day of the year... All the man want's to do is get along with Russia and all countries and what's wrong with that?? You're an amazing President Mr Trump everyone knows that God Bless you"
My response: "Denis, I agree! All Donald wants to do is be friends with Putin. What's wrong with that? It seems like Putin would want to be friends with him after getting him elected and everything, right? So why won't Putin be his friend and take him fishing and show him some love and affection? What's wrong with Donald needing those things from a man who purposefully attacked our democratic process? And you're right - people should stop attacking Donald every day. Just because he's guilty of treason doesn't mean he's a bad person. He just wants to be loved by a Russian man. Leave him alone, and let him express his love for Putin using the dozen or so words at his command. Donald is a dear, dear man, and we shouldn't judge him because of his desperate need for love."

Charlene Wilson Gooch Day: "I will always be behind President Trump 110%. Our President Trump is a very bright man and is working for the United States Americans only. Keep up the Great Job & #MAGA and yes I will vote President Trump in 2020 'ALWAYS'"
My response: "Goochie, I agree! Donald is a bright man. He even told us so himself. He reminded us that he is a 'very stable genius.' There is no way he would have said that if he were anything other than a very stable genius, right? I've known a few geniuses, and they would call me every few days to remind me how bright they were. Because sometimes I would forget. It's good of Donald to remind us. But, Goochie, why are you behind Donald only 110%? If you're going to use impossible numbers, why not be behind him 182%? Doesn't he deserve that extra fictional 72%? Come on, Goochie! Show Donald some respect."


I posted this on the FOX "News" Facebook page: "Donald Trump's execution for treason will be on network television, right? I just don't think it would be right for people to have to pay to watch it. That's not what America is supposed to be about. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to view Donald Trump's execution for treason. Amen."

I got a lot of comments from Trump supporters. Here are a few of them, and my responses.

Colleen McCormick McCoy: Patricia Broxson Norwood .. Nothing. Michael gets paid by the post. Nothing to see here. TRUMP 2020
My response: "Colleen McCormick McCoy, paid for each comment I make on Facebook? What delicious fantasy land do you live in? What else can I get paid for? How about eating bagels? I love bagels. Can I get paid for collecting my mail? Colleen McMc, what do you get paid for?"  

Nancy Goliver Truax: "TROLL"
My response: "Nancy Goliver Truax, oooh, all capital letters. Nancy must be serious. Are you serious, Nancy? Are you shouting, Nancy? Are you touching yourself, Nancy?"  

Deanita Young: "Well dear I'm sorry to inform you that there is no offense in the federal statutes concerning Collision let alone is there a penalty for it. My suggestion to you is # WalkAway Quick your stupid is showing."
My response: "Deanita Young, did you mean 'collusion'? Wow, Deanita, you called me stupid and yet you wrote 'collision.' And, I notice, your comment has been edited. That means you went back to correct mistakes but didn't actually correct your mistakes. You, Deanita, are the perfect Trump supporter - a total moron."

Kirk Holloway: "Michael Doherty Your wife asked me to send my new book 'How to turn your husband from a liberal wussy into a real man.' Tell her I'm sending it for free."
My response: "Kirk Holloway, you're pretending you wrote a book? That's kind of ballsy. You might want to start with pretending you've read a book. Or - and this might be asking too much - you could actually read a book. Try it. Or get a kind liberal to read one to you."

Gina Cabailo: "Michael Doherty you delusioning! Keep it up for another two More years, and he will win on2020 you will keep delusioning for another four years!"
My response: "Gina Cabailo, 'keep delusioning'? Trump supporters can't even put a coherent sentence together. Wow. Wow, Gina. I've also noticed that Trump supporters are too stupid to even recognize their own stupidity. So, yeah, we can all 'keep delusioning.'"   

Tina Currie: "Michael Doherty um no, but of you little brown shirts it would be entertaining! Dumber than a box of rocks, you have to have a crime for treason, or are you just that stupid! You best execute Bush and obama they meet with Putin also! Laughing you really are just that stupid!"
My response: "Tina Currie, if you are going to attempt to insult someone's intelligence, do your best to not have several grammatical errors in that very comment. Go back to school, learn a thing or two, and then you may return and speak with the adults. For now, you should just be embarrassed. Go sit in the corner."  

Darlene Brown: "Michael Doherty If you weren't such an idiot......oh well forget it...VOTE RED.....even if you don't sound old enough to vote"
My response: "Darlene Brown, let me get this straight. You had an idea, but then lost it, and yet still decided to comment. You basically commented that you forgot what you were going to say. Thank you for that, Darlene. What a pocket of brilliance. No waste of skin and bone, you. Not at all. In fact, Darlene, I am going to quote you. That's right. I'm going to quote your brilliant statement and give you credit, of course. And then I'll post a link here later so that you can read your incredible thought on another site. Thanks, Darlene."

(And, yes, I posted a link to this blog entry on that thread.)   


The FOX "News" Facebook page had some other nonsense about Donald Trump after Donald sucked Putin's cock. I commented: "Wow. Well, I hope it's not long now before we gather together as a country to watch this horrid little cretin executed for treason."
Matthew Salamino's response: "who you kidding moron, he's got 6.5 more years and he's doing great! To bad Obamas couldn't accomplish this much good!"
My response: "Matthew Salamino, too bad you Trump morons don't know the difference between 'to' and 'too.' Go back to school, learn a few things, then you may return and speak with the adults."
My second response: " Matthew Salamino, also you are missing the word 'are' and a comma. What you should have typed is: 'Who are you kidding, moron? He's got six and a half more years, and he's doing a great job so far. Too bad Obama couldn't accomplish this much good.' That's what you would have typed if you were intelligent. But you are not. You are Matthew Salamino, Moron Extraordinaire."
(Trump supporters, for whatever reason, at times believe they are intelligent creatures. But their poor spelling and grammar always betray them.) 


The FOX "News" Facebook page quoted Donald Trump as saying, "I'm not pro-Russia."
My comment: "He doesn't have to be pro-Russia. He is owned by Russia. That would be like if my desk said it wasn't pro-Michael."


Donald Trump quoted Lara Trump on his own Facebook page, and I couldn't refrain from responding. My response: "Ha! Lara Trump wrote that. Scientists have studied her, because she is just a mouth and an asshole, with absolutely no substance in between. A strange physical anomaly that turns out to be a perfect fit for the Trump administration and family. No heart, no brain. Just a giant mouth and an asshole. And a new study seems to indicate that she could continue to function with just one of those two things."

That's all for now. But feel free to leave comments regarding your own Fun With Trump Supporters game. We will all get through this together.

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