Sunday, April 22, 2018

Trump Supporters Are Idiots, Round Ten

Donald Trump is a despicable person who should already be in jail, but likely will be heading there soon. Yet there are those who still like this guy. Supporters of Donald Trump continue to prove themselves to be the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, and utterly incapable of thought. On Facebook, there is a "Donald Trump Fan Club" page, and last night I posted this comment on that page:

"It absolutely amazes and depresses me that anyone would believe a single word uttered by Donald Trump. Trump is a completely dishonest and delusional shithead. If you believe Trump, something is seriously wrong with you. My guess is that you haven't finished junior high school."

Several people responded, and their responses included grammatical errors. One of those who responded and was particularly upset was a man named Fred Rubin. This was his comment:

"Hey mike aka douche bag
Bet You couldn’t finish grade school lol stfu."

Well, I went to Fred's Facebook page, and he had posted how he had been temporarily kicked off of Facebook, but was now back on. Apparently, Fred was completely unaware of security measures for his page, and I was able to comment on his post. That led to the following exchange.

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