Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Alternative Fact: January 1, 2019

Today's alternative fact (to help you get through the day): Donald Trump has agreed to visit thirteen major U.S. cities on his way to prison, to give citizens a chance to pelt him with rotten fruit and rocks. A number of lucky voters at each stop on the tour will get the opportunity to smack Donald Trump once across the face. "It is part of his plea bargain," insane faux attorney Rudy Giuliani explained. "This special tour knocks two decades off his eighty-year sentence."

1 comment:

  1. You are a fool attempting to incite violence using the same reasoning of why you dislike the current POTUS. Therefore, you are no better a person than what you suggest the POTUS is in your blog posts!

    I hope you have a nice day if you can truly determine how to achieve such accomplishment through less hatefulness!

    By the way, not sure how I came across your garbage but I know the way out.
